
Health & Medical

Medication of any sort should not be sent into school without prior consultation with the head teacher or deputies. Some medicines can be administered in school, but only with your written consent.

Accidents do happen and we give simple first aid. If an accident requires hospital treatment we need to contact parents quickly, please make sure that we have an UP TO DATE record of your home and work addresses and telephone numbers.

Support Services

The school nurse pays us regular visits. Before medicals the school will contact you. The school dentist visits each year and recommends any treatment necessary.
The Education Attendance Advisor visits the school to oversee attendance and lateness. The Advisor also discusses ways in which families can be helped to improve attendance. The EAA is a valuable link between home and school and can be contacted through the school or The Learning Trust.
Benthal make timely referrals to the support services where a need has been identified.