
SEND Provision

SEN information report

Our aim at Benthal Primary School is for all pupils to have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. We aim to raise the aspirations and expectations for all pupils with SEND, focusing on outcomes not just provision.

Our objectives are to:
  • Identify early and meet the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and disabilities.
  • Enable pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to maximise their attainment and progress
  • Secure working partnerships with the parent/carers and pupils with SEND
  • Secure working partnerships with outside agencies to extend the provision for pupils with SEND
  • Provide a Special Needs Co-ordinator who will work within the SEND policy
  • Provide support, training and advice for all staff working with SEND pupils

What should I do if I think my child has Special Educational Needs?

If you are concerned that your child has a special educational need or disability (SEND) you can speak to your child’s class teacher or any member of staff who will then follow up your concerns.

How will the school respond to my concerns?

All concerns will be forwarded to the Special Needs coordinator (SENDCO) who will contact you and any relevant staff to arrange to meet to discuss the concerns that you have. If your child is identified by the school as having a specific need within any of the four broad areas of need as set out in the ‘Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice’ (May 15) you will be invited to attend a meeting to discuss and plan future provision for your child.

What can the school do to support my child’s needs?

Every local authority will be required to have a “local offer” which informs parent carers and young people with SEND or disabilities what is provided in their local area, including what to expect from local early years providers, schools, colleges, health and social care. In addition it will include information on how decisions are made about how services are allocated, how to request a personal budget, how to access more specialist support and how to complain or appeal. Further information can be found at
The SENCO  at Benthal is Jill Joseph. To arrange an appointment, please contact the school office.