

Benthal Primary School is currently rated "Good" following an Ofsted Inspection in June 2023

Key findings 


Leaders have high expectations of pupils and they expect pupils to work hard. Pupils meet these expectations. They do so by focusing in class and by behaving in a kind and thoughtful manner.


Pupils focus and listen carefully to their teachers. Pupils are polite and respectful towards each other and to staff. This means that pupils learn without distraction.


Leaders have designed a broad curriculum. They have ensured that pupils have time to study all subjects in the national curriculum with sufficient rigour.


Typically, teachers explain new information clearly, and check that pupils understand what they have been taught.


The school’s reading programme is well established. Leaders make sure that staff are suitably trained. Leaders know which pupils require support to build their reading confidence. Teachers provide weaker readers with support to help them to catch up with their peers.


Many parents and carers commented that this is a friendly school and that pupils make friends easily.


Leaders support pupils to look after their mental health. Leaders have made this a priority following pupils return to school after the COVID-19 pandemic.


Staff said that school leaders listen to them and consider their workload and well-being. They also said that they appreciate the range of professional development opportunities that leaders provide.


Leaders and staff are alert to the local safeguarding risks that pupils may face. All staff know the signs to look out for that a pupil may be at risk of harm. Staff report any concerns that they have, however small.


Please click on the pdf to download the Full OFSTED Report (June 2023)

Message from Stella Sandford
Chair of the Board of Governors, Benthal School
On behalf of the Governing Board
You will have seen the final OFSTED report after the visit from the school inspectors at the end of last term, and so know that the School is confirmed to be GOOD IN ALL AREAS. The Board is delighted that the report recognises the quality of education at Benthal. We are also pleased that it highlights those aspects that make the School special: not just high expectations and high achievement but also mutual respect, love of learning, friendliness, good behaviour, an emphasis on mental health and wellbeing and a lively range of extra-curricular activities. The report also mentions healthy eating. We hope that as many parents and carers as possible will take advantage of the FREE SCHOOL MEALS on offer to ALL children this year, all cooked in School by Benthal’s Chef Alex.